Note From the President
Dear Members:
Welcome to the start of what is sure to prove to be a great new year for AWCA. First, I would like to welcome our 7 new members to the organization. We look forward to getting to know you better and incorporate your many talents and energy into AWCA and our many activities. Hope to see as many of you as possible at the September 10th Membership meeting at Ellen Sher's home (thank you for hosting). We will have the new Directories for sale for $5/directory if you would like to have a copy or copies (I keep one in my car, office and home) at the meeting. Also, please remember to bring your gift cards for the Communities In Schools of NOVA Attendance Incentive Program at Arlington Mill High school. The gift cards are for students 18 and older. Gift cards in varying amounts to clothing stores, Target, CVS, restaurants in the Ballston area or chain restaurants such as Subway; sporting stores, such as Foot Locker or Champs, and Best Buy would be much appreciated. AWCA efforts really make a difference in our community. Sheridan relays the appreciation of one of those groups below. Lots of cool activities are planned for this year so there is something for everyone.
Benefit Event
Survey Results!
In an effort to provide a
event for our 2016 Benefit, the Benefit Committee sent a survey to you, the membership, in late June 2015. Forty-one (41) of you responded, and here's what you had to say:
77% most enjoyed the social aspects of the event;
23% liked the causes we selected best.
53% said YES to including guests outside of the Alliance for the 2016 Benefit;
47% said NO.
91% said YES to dispensing with some non-essential costs in order to realize more funds for our recipients.
45% preferred an event at a home;
41% preferred an event at a public space.
89% said a theme was very important.
And what concepts for 2016 are most interesting to you? 64%said something "completely different" would be most interesting.
The majority of the remainder liked the "group sail" idea followed by "a walk or hike with a great meal at the end" as a distant third.
You have spoken, and we have listened. Stay tuned!
Charlotte, Julie, and Nina
2015-2016 AWCA Board
Nancy Prowitt
Vice President
Nina Bacas, Charlotte deButts, Julie Williams
Candy Fowler
Pia Clark
Nancy Savage, Lindsey Hooper
Community Support
Sheridan Collins, Jamie Usrey
Diane Greenlee, Kim Wackerle
Volunteer Services
Gerri Ferguson, Ellen Sher
Publicity (Website)
Pat Raglan
Sherry Foster, Diane Pollack,
Tobi Rozen
Vicki Kirkbride
Janice McKelvey
Fall Membership Coffee
The Fall Membership Coffee will be held on September 10th at 9:00 am at Ellen Sher's home. Your Evite Invitation has been sent and please rsvp.
Volunteer Co-Chairs, Ellen and Gerri, are asking members to bring gift cards to the Fall Coffee for the Communities In Schools of NOVA Attendance Incentive Program at Arlington Mill High School. Students who attend classes regularly accumulate points which in turn are entered in a raffle to claim prizes. The gift cards will be used as prizes along with donations from other local organizations.
Community Support
Offer Your Ideas!
We would also like your help--specifically three or four volunteers who might want to research and discuss different County needs and nonprofits with us this fall. Feel free to call or email us to offer ideas--general or specific--or to join the Community Support Committee.
Or look for the signup list at the September coffee!
Update: Benefit Proceeds at Work.
Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS) has already put our $9,000 gift from our benefit proceeds to work! As we had hoped, they have worked over the summer to identify girls at W-L High School who need some intervention, and the good news is the first group will meet later this month during school, continuing every other week. NVFS tells us our money also will support groups at three or four other Arlington schools, after social workers and counselors got briefed on the program and requested the service. The program's goal is to help both boy and girl teens manage family and community adjustment and behavior challenges through group meetings with their peers and an NVFS professional.
Co-Chairs, Sheridan Collins & Jamie Usrey
AWCA Book Club
September 21st
7:30 pm
Some Luck
by Jane Smiley
Tobi Rozen is hosting.
October 26th
7:30 pm
The Rosie Project
by Graeme Samson
Location: TBD
November 9th
7:30 pm
All the Light We Cannot See
by Anthony Doerr
Location: TBD
Glads and Sads
If you have Glads and Sads news to share in the newsletter, please send the information to
Email Blasts
Maggi Paar is in charge of sending out email blasts to members. If you have news to share outside of the newsletter, please send to